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Trigger Point Dry Needling

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Trigger Point Dry Needling Physio

Dry needling is a western form of acupuncture which is used to address a broad range of muscular and soft-tissue injuries.

The use of minimally invasive fine needles allows stimulation of specific tissues to induce tissue healing and restore normal function.

Dry needling is a supplementary therapy and is not intended to replace conventional physiotherapy and other medical practices. However, when used in the right setting it can aid pain reduction, tissue healing and quicker restoration of function.

Dry needling involves direct stimulation of a muscle and fascia tissues which causes a ‘twitch’ response.

This creates an electrical and chemical response which takes place in the nervous system. The result is the inhibition of pain signals and release of pain relieving chemicals within our brain, leading to less pain at the injured site and relaxation of the muscle tissue.

Dry Needling Physio Parramatta
Trigger Point Physio Parramatta

Is dry needling safe?

Dry needling is a very safe treatment.

At Benefit Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Clinic our therapists are trained and certified to provide dry needling and will do so in a safe and effective manner.

The needles used are very fine and vary rarely does any bleeding or bruising actually occur at the insertion site.

Many patients will feel some soreness in the treated area or a referral zone which will last for a few hours after treatment. This is a normal response and will reduce with time.

You can also apply a heat pack to the sore area to reduce pain following dry needling treatment.

Having a trained physiotherapist who understands the complex body structure and proper dry needling technique is essential for safe practice.

Benefit Physiotherapy helps you get back to full health by using proven treatment methods and tailoring them to your situation.

Accurate diagnosis, patient education and personalised rehabilitation programs for all sports and musculoskeletal conditions

Contact Us  today to find out how our Physiotherapists in Parramatta can help get your lifestyle back.